You should be able to find all the information you need on our developer portal. However, we understand that this is not always the case. Feel free to reach out to us:
Reach out to your Qander Account Manager for generic questions. For instance, on how to start working with QanderConnect. Also our Sales support and underwriting team is available for you to access.
Please fill in the fields in this form. Your comments will land in our incident management system and will be addressed as soon as possible. Be sure to leave your contact details so that we can keep you updated on the progress.
Kindly review the documentation on our developer portal and browse through our Frequently Asked Questions. If you are still unable to find what you need, please fill in the fields in this form and we will contact you as soon as possible.
Suggestions are always welcome. Feel free to feed us with as many suggestions as you wish. We have created a form for you to share your thoughts.